A solution to manage your cards in a smart way? Smart BPER Card! The app dedicated to the management of BPER Banca and Banco di Sardegna debit, credit and prepaid cards.✔ Maximum control over credit and prepaid cards‧ Easily check movements and availability‧ Confirm your online purchases on sites with 3D Secure 2.1‧ Authorize access to the BPER Card Reserved Area‧ With the "Control", "Alert" functions, enter spending limits, blocks by geographical area, amount, product category and channel✔ Online purchase protection: choose the code KEY6‧ Set your cards Key6 code, which is necessary for online purchases protected by the 3D Secure service‧ Manage your Key6 code: view, modify and unlock in case of error during the purchase phase✔ Mobile payment, connect wallets in one tap‧ Convenient buttons to connect to Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay mobile payment services‧ From the app you can also connect your debit card✔ Demagnetized card? No problemThe request for a new card requires you to go to the branch: if you dont have time and want to continue using the one you have, just connect it to a mobile payment service!✔ Instant blockHave you lost your card? You can use the "Deactivate" function to temporarily disable operations until you have found it again.Ⓘ The app is free, to use it you must be a customer of BPER Banca or Banco di Sardegna in possession of:‧ BPER Card and Smart user with device profile‧ BPER Card and the credentials to access the BPER Card Reserved Area⚠ App not compatible with the tablet